
CuriousCat Anon Ask- Long version

Warning: Gibberish writing ahead 😭 I imagine it was after they grew close to each other, sharing stories about their past love interests (I wrote a private page called “She had Tony; He had Myra”), fighting alongside each other as vigilantes, and most importantly, discussing their childhoods and their deepest wishes. The time they started spending nights together and making love marked the point where they began to contemplate taking their relationship to the next level. Initially, both of them were uncertain, unsure if they wanted to try to fulfill their desires of having their own family and child. Helena and Vic were both apprehensive at first. They were worried about the potential consequences, the dangers they might expose each other and their child to, and the “what-ifs” that played in their minds: “What if one of us doesn't make it? What if our relationship falls apart? Can we be successful as parents and as partners?” These questions weighed heavily on their minds. After t...

Reiko Nagase [Ridge Racer Type 4]


Curious Cat Requests mega thread!

 Curious Cat art requests from past months!

Fashion with Question(s)


Val Sartor (Valeria Bertinelli-Sage)

 Val Sartor Biography entry: Val Sartor, whose full name is Valeria Bertinelli-Sage, is an early-20s History and Archeology teacher at State University. When she moved out of her family home, she changed her name to the one she would use in her field work, to avoid any connections between her and her family and to prevent potential conflicts. Val also works for an organization that sends her on missions to retrieve and preserve lost relics, artifacts, and treasures, either returning them to locals or examining them herself. Her superior, who provides her with equipment and information for every mission, goes by the alias "The Contract". In terms of personality and appearance, Val is an amalgamation of her parents, inheriting their characteristics such as her father's curiosity and her mother's determination and bravery, which she uses in her own work. She also has combat skills, learned from both her parents and training, as well as proficiency in basic acrobatics, ...

Yeah, Yeah... (Green Arrow x Black Canary)


Black Canary
