CuriousCat Anon Ask- Long version

Warning: Gibberish writing ahead 😭

I imagine it was after they grew close to each other, sharing stories about their past love interests (I wrote a private page called “She had Tony; He had Myra”), fighting alongside each other as vigilantes, and most importantly, discussing their childhoods and their deepest wishes.

The time they started spending nights together and making love marked the point where they began to contemplate taking their relationship to the next level.

Initially, both of them were uncertain, unsure if they wanted to try to fulfill their desires of having their own family and child. Helena and Vic were both apprehensive at first. They were worried about the potential consequences, the dangers they might expose each other and their child to, and the “what-ifs” that played in their minds: “What if one of us doesn't make it? What if our relationship falls apart? Can we be successful as parents and as partners?” These questions weighed heavily on their minds.

After the conception, Helena found out that she was pregnant with Vic's child. This brought up mixed feelings, reminding her of the conversation they had about their hopes and dreams. She questioned whether she should tell Vic about the pregnancy, considering the uncertainties of their relationship's future. She pondered the possibility of keeping it a secret, fearing a potential breakup, similar to what she had experienced in the past. Reflecting on her own mother's role, Helena decided that she would share the news with Vic, hoping to turn her need for vengeance into a new role: that of a strong, protective mother.

She eventually mustered the courage to tell him, after a night of fighting villains side by side. She informed him that she doesn't hate the idea of having a child, but is unsure of what to do next. Vic asked her why she didn't consider abortion, given her role as “Huntress.” She explained that she wanted to take a chance and become the mother she couldn't have in her own childhood, with Vic being a part of their family circle. She acknowledged their differing convictions but believed that they shared a similar yearning: to have a family.

This marked a significant turning point in their relationship. The idea grew on Vic after Helena shared the news. He officially took the step with her.

During her first trimester, Helena continued her duties as “Huntress,” with Vic supporting her and assisting her whenever needed.

As Helena entered her second trimester, she realized the need to give “Huntress” a break. Vic took over her duties, dealing with her mood swings, comforting her, and even dodging her arrows during moments of frustration. His patience and understanding were vital during these times.

The third trimester was the most challenging. Vic heard her painful groans and did his best to help, knowing that the responsibility weighed heavily on Helena. He supported her, whether the experiences were perfect or not. Helena, concerned for his well-being, asked if he regretted his decision to support her and their unborn child.

He reassured her that he loved her and considered it the best decision of his life. He acknowledged her bravery and greatness, both as Huntress and as herself. His words eased her doubts about their future and affirmed his commitment to stand by her side. She hugged him, thanking him for his support and everything he had done for her. She advised him to rest and stay with her throughout the remainder of her pregnancy, recognizing the importance of his well-being.

During the time of birth, Helena endured a painful delivery process. Vic was by her side, offering his hand and comfort to help her through the long and difficult hours. The birth extended into the early morning hours, with their daughter being born as the sun began to rise.

As they both held their daughter for the first time, they embraced their roles as official “Mom” and “Dad,” welcoming their daughter into the world. They bestowed upon her the name “Valeria Bertinelli-Sage,” a name that resonated with their unity as a couple.

After leaving the hospital and recovering from the delivery, Helena resumed her role as Huntress. Together with Vic and their newborn daughter, they settled into a new apartment, embarking on a new chapter in their lives.

They found a way to balance their roles as vigilantes and parents. Whenever Helena or Vic needed to go out and fight crime, the other would take care of their daughter. Occasionally, they were fortunate enough to be there together for Valeria.

In the beginning, they faced challenges and awkward moments as they adapted to their new roles. They grappled with sleepless nights and baby's cries but found humor in it all.

They watched her develop an interest in discovering items as a hobby during her childhood, just as she began asking numerous questions like her dad. She also acquired her mom's attitude. Over time, they observed her transforming into a tough yet refined woman with a fascination for past histories and a penchant for collecting items from civilizations long gone.


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